Preparing for Oxbridge

Online Courses

LinguaTute’s online literature courses are a great way to prepare for an application to Oxford or Cambridge to study Modern Languages. You can browse our courses here

Oxford Modern Languages Demonstration Interview

Cambridge Modern Languages Demonstration Interview

Additional Language Resources

This list is for general language learning and linguistics support – for resources related to specific languages, please visit the individual pages on our website.

Purple – resources related to Oxford University

Green – resources related to Cambridge University

Pink – language resources for everyone

Podcasts and Videos


This podcast was produced by researchers at the University of Oxford and explores a range of language-related topics!

MML Oxford Schools Liaison – YouTube Channel

A list of helpful videos if you are considering applying to study languages at Oxford.

MMLL Cambridge – YouTube Channel

A list of helpful videos if you are considering applying to study languages at Cambridge.

Oxford Spanish Literature Podcast

Lots of juicy discussions about Spanish literature and why you should study it at Oxford!


Creative Multilingualism

This was a 4-year research project by the University of Oxford which has now ended. Nevertheless, the website still has lots of interesting research and resources for linguists. 

The Language Centre – Cambridge

A useful database of free language learning resources

The Queen’s College Translation Exchange

Highly recommended resource for budding linguists. The Translation Exchange consistently hosts both in-person and online events to explore the topic of translation in great depth. 

Oxford Language Blog

A blog for students and teachers of Years 11 to 13, and anyone else with an interest in Modern Foreign Languages and Cultures, written by the staff and students of Oxford University. Updated every Wednesday. 

The Cambridge Language Collective

A student-founded resource and publication which explores a variety of international topics and affairs, from art and literature to politics and current affairs. 


Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators

Application window is open from 8th February – 3rd April 2023.

UK Linguistics Olympiad

A nation-wide competition for young linguists to put their language skills to the test!

Oxford Language Competitions 

Including French and Spanish flash fiction writing competitions, and the German Olympiad.


Young Poets Network 

Hosts many different writing competitions, which often include translation challenges.


Is That a Fish in your Ear? – David Bellos

Excellent introduction to translation theories and the importance of translation in everyday life. Highly recommended for language applicants to gain a broader understanding of translation. 

Mother Tongue – Bill Bryson

A fascinating insight into the roots and evolution of the English language.

The Language Lovers’ Puzzle Book – Alex Bellos 

If you enjoy solving linguistic puzzles, you will love this book. It is also highly recommended for anyone considering studying a language ab initio at Oxford or Cambridge. 

Through The Language Glass – Guy Deutscher

Provides an insightful overview of translation and how our language shapes how we view the world. 

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